6.2. Adjektiv-Substantiv

Die SOK empfiehlt, bei der Schreibweise von mehrgliedrigen englischen Fügungen, bei denen mehrere Varianten bestehen, grundsätzlich die vom Rechtschreib-Duden empfohlene zu verwenden (z. B. Callcenter, Cruise-Missile, Motocross, Shareholder-Value). Ausnahmen z. B.: Air-Condition[ing], Boat-People, Dinner-Jacket, Discount-Broker, Diskjockey/Discjockey (Duden empfiehlt Discjockey, SOK: keine Empfehlung), Fund-Raising, Junk-Food, Live-Act, Live-Show, Mountain-Bike (Duden nur: Mountainbike), Pole-Position, Riverboat-Shuffle, Sightseeing-Tour, Think-Tank, Tie-Break; Black Jack, Blue Chip, Cold Cream, Dark Room, Fairplay, Flat Rate, Free Climbing, Hard Disk (Duden empfiehlt Harddisk), Hard Rock, Odd Fellow, Prime Time, Real Time, Soft Copy, Soft Drink, Soft Rock; Crossover, Fall-out, Hand-out, Playback; Ready-made.

In einigen Fällen empfiehlt die SOK eine vom Rechtschreib- bzw. Fremdwörter-Duden bzw. von der Regelung 06 abweichende Schreibweise, z. B.: Audience-Flow, Body-Painting, Candlelight-Dinner, Country-Music, Drag Queen, Emmy-Award, Gender-Studies, Hedge-Fund, Love Parade, Mass-Action, Mass-Reaction, Micky Mouse, Online-…, Online-Broker, Page-Impression, Patchwork-…, Player Roll, Porterhouse-Steak, Soil Erosion, Tea-Room, Traveler’s Check, Window-Dressing, Window-Shopping; American way of life, Blue Jeans, Firstclass-…, Prepaid Card, Prepaid Handy, Quickstep, Short Track, Upper Class; Business as usual, Onestep, Outsider-…, Twostep.

In zahlreichen, im Rechtschreib- oder Fremdwörter-Duden nicht oder nicht mehr aufgeführten Fällen empfiehlt die SOK bestimmte Schreibweisen (siehe Wörterlisten), z. B.: Cashdrain, Dotcom-…, Drag King, Image-Design, Inflight-Service, Key Account, Key Feature, Live-Stream, Minimum-Lending-Rate, Player Roll, Price-Earnings-Ratio, Return on Equity, Ryder-Cup, Stakeholder-Value, Starfighter, Street Parade, Wall-Street-…, West Bank (Westjordanien), Workload; Big Four, Fast Track, Firstclass, die, French Open, Frequent Flyer, Grand Old Party (Rep. Partei USA), Multiple Choice, Open End, Open Sky, Open-Sky-…, Underground-…, Unique Client, Unique Visitor, Working Poor; President-elect, Swiss made.


herkömmliche Rechtschreibung neue Rechtschreibung Empfehlung SOK
n/a Acidhouse / Acid House Acid House
n/a Added Values Added Values
American Bar American Bar American Bar
n/a American Dream American Dream
American Football American Football American Football
American way of life American Way of life American way of life
Angry young man Angry Young Man Angry Young Man
n/a Australian Open Australian Open
Autoreverse Autoreverse Autoreverse
Bad Trip Badtrip / Bad Trip Bad Trip
n/a Baggy Pants / Baggypants Baggy Pants
Big Band Bigband / Big Band Big Band
n/a Bigbang / Big Bang Big Bang
Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben
n/a Big Brother Big Brother
Big Business Big Business Big Business
n/a n/a Big Four
n/a Big Point (Tennis) / Bigpoint (Tennis) Big Point (Tennis)
n/a Bitter Lemon / Bitterlemon Bitter Lemon
n/a Blackhole / Black Hole Black Hole
Black Jack Blackjack / Black Jack Black Jack
Blackmail Blackmail / Black Mail Black Mail
Black Panther Blackpanther / Black Panther Black Panther
Black Power Black Power Black Power
Black tongue Blacktongue / Black Tongue Black Tongue
Blackband Blackband Blackband
Black-Bottom Blackbottom / Black Bottom Blackbottom
Black box Blackbox / Black Box Blackbox
Blinddate / Blind Date Blind Date Blind Date
Blue baby Bluebaby / Blue Baby Blue Baby
Blue chip Bluechip / Blue Chip Blue Chip
Bluejeans / Blue jeans Bluejeans Blue Jeans
Blue notes Bluenotes / Blue Notes Blue Notes
Blue box Bluebox / Blue Box Bluebox
Blue Movie Bluemovie / Blue Movie BlueMovie
n/a Bookmark Bookmark
Closed Shop Closedshop / Closed Shop Closed Shop
Cold Cream Coldcream / Cold Cream Cold Cream
Cold Rubber Coldrubber / Cold Rubber Cold Rubber
Comic strip Comicstrip Comicstrip
Common Law Common Law Common Law
Common sense Commonsense / Common Sense Common Sense
Compact Disc Compact Disc / Compact Disk Compact Disk / Compact Disk
Cool Jazz Cool Jazz Cool Jazz
Corned beef Cornedbeef / Corned Beef Corned Beef
Corned pork Cornedpork / Corned Pork Corned Pork
Corporate identity Corporate Identity Corporate Identity
n/a Darkroom / Dark Room Dark Room
Displaced person Displaced Person Displaced Person
Double-bind Doublebind / Double Bind Double Bind
Dumb show Dumbshow / Dumb-Show Dumb-Show
Early English Early English Early English
n/a Easy Listening Easy Listening
n/a Easy Living Easy Living
Easy-rider Easy Rider Easy Rider
n/a Elderstatesman / Elder Statesman Elder Statesman
n/a Electricjazz / Electric Jazz Electric Jazz
n/a Electronic Banking Electronic Banking
n/a Electronic Book Electronic Book
n/a Electronic Business Electronic Business
n/a Electronic Cash Electronic Cash
n/a Electronic Church Electronic Church
n/a Electronic Commerce Electronic Commerce
n/a Electronic Mail Electronic Mail
n/a Electronic Shopping Electronic Shopping
Fair play Fairplay / Fair Play Fairplay
Fashionable novel Fashionable Novel Fashionable Novel
Fast food Fastfood / Fast Food Fast Food
n/a n/a Fast Track
n/a first class first class
First Lady First Lady First Lady
n/a n/a Firstclass, die
First-class-… First-Class-… Firstclass-…
n/a Flatrate / Flate Rate Flate Rate
Floppy disk Floppy Disk / Floppy Disc / Floppydisk Floppy Disk / Floppy Disc
Foreign Office Foreign Office Foreign Office
n/a Freecall / Free Call Free Call
n/a Freeclimber / Free Climber Free Climber
Free climbing Freeclimbing / Free Climbing Free Climbing
n/a Freeconcert / Free Concert Free Concert
n/a Freefloat / Free Float Free Float
n/a Freeflow / Free Flow Free Flow
Free Jazz Freejazz / Free Jazz Free Jazz
n/a Freehold Freehold
n/a Freestyle Freestyle
n/a n/a French Open
n/a n/a Frequent Flyer
Full dress Fulldress / Full Dress Full Dress
Full house Fullhouse / Full House Full House
Full Service Fullservice / Full Service Full Service
Full speed Fullspeed / Full Speed Full Speed
Full-time-… Fulltime… / Full-Time-… Full-Time-…
n/a Functional Food Functional Food
Golden Delicious Golden Delicious Golden Delicious
n/a Golden Goal Golden Goal
Golden Twenties Golden Twenties Golden Twenties
Grand Fleet Grand Fleet Grand Fleet
n/a Grand Jury Grand Jury
n/a Grandmal / Grand Mal Grand Mal
Grand Old Lady Grand Old Lady Grand Old Lady
Grand Old Man Grand Old Man Grand Old Man
n/a n/a Grand Old Party (Rep. Partei USA)
Grand Slam Grand Slam Grand Slam
Happy-End Happyend / Happy End Happy End
n/a Happy Hour Happy Hour
Hardbop Hardbop / Hard Bop Hard Bop
n/a Harddisk / Hard Disk / Harddisc / Hard Disc Hard Disk / Hard Disc
Hard Drink Harddrink / Hard Drink Hard Drink
n/a Harddrug / Hard Drug Hard Drug
Hard Rock Hardrock / Hard Rock Hard Rock
n/a Hard Skill Hard Skill
Hard word Hardword / Hard Word Hard Word
Hardcore Hardcore Hardcore
Hard cover Hardcover Hardcover
Hard edge Hardedge Hardedge
Hardliner Hardliner Hardliner
Hard selling Hardselling Hardselling
Hard stuff Hardstuff Hardstuff
Hardtop Hardtop Hardtop
Hardware Hardware Hardware
Heavy metal Heavy Metal Heavy Metal
High-Church High Church High Church
n/a High End High End
n/a High-End- High-End-
High-Fidelity High Fidelity High Fidelity
n/a Highheels / High Heels High Heels
High-noon Highnoon / High Noon High Noon
High-Snobiety Highsnobiety / High Snobiety High Snobiety
High-Society High Society High Society
Highball Highball Highball
Highboard (zufällig getrennt) Highboard Highboard
High-brow Highbrow Highbrow
n/a Highend… / High-End-… High-End-…
Highlife (zufällig getrennt) Highlife / High Life Highlife
Highlight Highlight Highlight
High-riser Highriser / High Riser Highriser
High-School Highschool Highschool
High-Tech Hightech Hightech
Highway Highway Highway
n/a Homepage Homepage
Hot Jazz Hot Jazz Hot Jazz
Hot dog Hotdog / Hot Dog Hotdog
n/a Hotline Hotline
Hot pants Hotpants / Hot Pants Hotpants
n/a Hotspot / Hot Spot Hotspot
n/a Indian Summer Indian Summer
n/a Indirect Rule Indirect Rule
Industrial Design Industrial Design Industrial Design
Industrial Designer Industrial Designer Industrial Designer
Industrial engineer Industrial Engineer Industrial Engineer
Industrial engineering Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering
Irish coffee Irish Coffee Irish Coffee
Irish-Stew Irish Stew Irish Stew
Joint-venture Joint Venture Joint Venture
Latin Lover Latinlover / Latin Lover Latin Lover
n/a Lean Management Lean Management
n/a Lean Production Lean Production
Longdrink Longdrink / Long Drink Longdrink
Longseller Longseller Longseller
Mainstream Mainstream Mainstream
Matched groups Matchedgroups / Matched Groups Matched Groups
Minimal art Minimal Art Minimal Art
Minimal music Minimal Music Minimal Music
Missing link Missing Link Missing Link
Mixed drink Mixeddrink / Mixed Drink Mixed Drink
n/a Mixed Economy Mixed Economy
Mixed grill Mixed Grill Mixed Grill
Mixed media Mixedmedia / Mixed Media Mixed Media
Mixed Pickles Mixed Pickles / Mixedpickles Mixed Pickles
n/a n/a Multiple Choice
Multiple-choice-… Multiple-Choice-… Multiple-Choice-…
New Age New Age New Age
New Deal New Deal New Deal
n/a New Economy New Economy
New Look New Look New Look
New Wave New Wave New Wave
Newcomer Newcomer Newcomer
Nordic Walking Nordic Walking Nordic Walking
n/a Nordicwalking / Nordic Walking Nordic Walking
n/a Novelfood / Novel Food Novel Food
Odd Fellow / Oddfellow Odd Fellow / Oddfellow Odd Fellow
n/a Old Economy Old Economy
Oldtimer Oldtimer Oldtimer
Open air Open Air Open Air
n/a open end open end
n/a n/a Open End
n/a n/a Open Sky
n/a Open Source Open Source
Open-air… Open-Air-… Open-Air-…
Open-end-… Open-End-… Open-End-…
n/a n/a Open-Sky-…
n/a Open-Source-… Open-Source-…
n/a Oval Office Oval Office
Paying guest Paying Guest Paying Guest
Personalcomputer Personal Computer Personal Computer
n/a Political Correctness Political Correctness
n/a Prepaidkarte Prepaid Card
n/a Prepaidhandy Prepaid Handy
Prime rate Primerate / Prime Rate Prime Rate
n/a Primetime / Prime Time Prime Time
Progressive Jazz Progressive Jazz Progressive Jazz
Public Relations (Abk. PR) Public Relations (Abk. PR) Public Relations (Abk. PR)
Quickstep Quickstepp Quickstep
n/a Realtime / Real Time Real Time
Round-table-… Round Table Round Table
Running Gag Running Gag Running Gag
Safer Sex Safer Sex Safer Sex
Shooting-Star Shootingstar Shootingstar
Short story Shortstory / Short Story Short Story
n/a Shorttrack Short Track
Silent meeting Silentmeeting / Silent Meeting Silent Meeting
Six Days Six Days / Sixdays Six Days
Sliding-tackling Sliding Tackling Sliding Tackling
n/a Slowfood / Slow Food Slow Food
n/a Slow Motion Slow Motion
Slowfox Slowfox Slowfox
Small Band Smallband / Small Band Small Band
n/a Smallcap / Small Cap Small Cap
Small talk Smalltalk / Small Talk Small Talk
n/a Smartphone / Smart Phone Smartphone
n/a Softcopy / Soft Copy Soft Copy
Soft Drink Softdrink / Soft Drink Soft Drink
Soft drug Softdrug / Soft Drug Soft Drug
Soft Rock Softrock / Soft Rock Soft Rock
n/a Soft Skill Soft Skill
Softball Softball Softball
Software (zufällig getrennt) Software Software
Soil erosion Soilerosion Soilerosion
Splendid isolation Splendid Isolation Splendid Isolation
Standing ovations Standing Ovations Standing Ovations
Statute Law Statute Law Statute Law
n/a Steady State Steady State
Sudden death Sudden Death Sudden Death
Top ten Top Ten Top Ten
n/a n/a Topshot
Underground Underground Underground
n/a n/a Underground-…
n/a n/a Unique Client
n/a n/a Unique Visitor
Upperclass Upperclass Upper Class
Upper ten Upperten / Upper Ten Upper Ten
Uppercut Uppercut Uppercut
White-collar-… White-Collar-… White-Collar-…
Wild card Wildcard / Wild Card Wildcard
n/a n/a Working Poor
Yellow Press Yellow Press Yellow Press